Stride with Akshay, A Sprinter's Quest for the Asian Games

Akshay | 21 years |


Top Achievement


Akshay, a 21-year-old passionate athlete with dreams larger than life. From a humble background, Akshay has defied odds to become a national-level athlete, but his journey is far from over. His eyes are now set on the Asian Games, a goal that's within reach but needs your support. Akshay's short-term goal is clear – to represent his country at the Asian Games. It's not just a competition for him; it's a chance to fulfill his family's dreams, to put his town on the global map, and to inspire thousands of other young athletes. The Ask:To make this dream a reality, Akshay needs your support. We are aiming to raise funds to cover his training expenses, travel, nutrition, and equipment for the entire year. Every contribution, big or small, brings Akshay a step closer to his goal. Donate: Every contribution matters. Your donation can help cover his monthly training expenses and keep his dreams alive.

  • ₹ 0
    Raised of ₹ 200,000
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  • He
Short-term Goals

Be top national player

Long-term Goals

Asian games medal

Notable Achievements



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