Fuel Rohan's athletic dreams

Rohan Gautam Kamble | 21 years | Maharashtra


Top Achievement

62 nd open senior national athletic championship 1 gold and 1 bronze medal


Meet Rohan Gautam Kamble, At just 21 years old, Rohan Kamble has already shown remarkable talent in the world of athletics. Representing India, he embodies the spirit of determination and hard work. Born on February 15, 2002, Rohan has been tirelessly working towards achieving his dreams in athletics.His journey is not just about personal glory; it's about inspiring a generation of athletes in India and beyond. His dedication and passion are evident in every stride he takes on the track. However, to continue his journey and reach new heights, Rohan needs your support. With adequate support, Rohan can access better training facilities, participate in international competitions, and bring laurels to his country. Your contribution can make a significant difference in Rohan's athletic career. It will help in covering training expenses, travel costs for international competitions, and essential equipment. Every donation, big or small, brings Rohan a step closer to his dreams.

  • ₹ 0
    Raised of ₹ 400,000
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Short-term Goals

All India 1 rank

Long-term Goals

Asian games medal

Notable Achievements

  1. 62 nd open senior national athletic championship 1 gold and 1 bronze medal

  2. National games goa bronze bronze medal.



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